Feldenkrais for Gifted Children
Catherine Spencer
Date: Wednesday 19 November 2014
Time: 7.30pm (doors open 7.15pm)
Place: Brian Arnold Room, Dunedin Community House (Moray Place), Dunedin
Speaker: Catherine Spencer
Catherine will be talking about the practice and principles of the Feldenkrais® Method and its application for children with a range of
differing needs and abilities. The Feldenkrais Method is an educational tool for learning through movement and was developed by Moshe Feldenkrais: "What I'm after isn't flexible bodies, but flexible brains...". Using movement which is concrete and engaging our brain in the how, we can change our habits and find easier ways of carrying out everyday activities and of being in the world.
"We don't teach our babies and children anything, but provide an environment, whereby they do the learning themselves. Feldenkrais offers a way to switch on that learning in areas that may be missing from the student's awareness"
Click here to download a copy of the flyer.
Refreshments will be available after the presentation for those who wish to stay behind to chat with others.
Entry fee:
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Time: 7.30pm (doors open 7.15pm)
Place: Brian Arnold Room, Dunedin Community House (Moray Place), Dunedin
Speaker: Catherine Spencer
Catherine will be talking about the practice and principles of the Feldenkrais® Method and its application for children with a range of
differing needs and abilities. The Feldenkrais Method is an educational tool for learning through movement and was developed by Moshe Feldenkrais: "What I'm after isn't flexible bodies, but flexible brains...". Using movement which is concrete and engaging our brain in the how, we can change our habits and find easier ways of carrying out everyday activities and of being in the world.
"We don't teach our babies and children anything, but provide an environment, whereby they do the learning themselves. Feldenkrais offers a way to switch on that learning in areas that may be missing from the student's awareness"
Click here to download a copy of the flyer.
Refreshments will be available after the presentation for those who wish to stay behind to chat with others.
Entry fee:
- OAGC Members: FREE
- Non-members: gold coin donation
Please contact us if you have any questions.