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Past Newsletter - Sample pages
Creatability 2011
Creatability 2010
Quarantine Island 2010
Logo Competition 2010
Registration for Workshop with Emrie de Vaal
Gifted Minds:
What does this really mean and what can/should I do about it?"
For Teachers and Professionals
George Street Normal School
Tuesday 31 October 2017, 3.30pm to 5pm
Meet 3.30pm at the Office for afternoon tea. Starts 3.45pm
Please register by Monday 30 October 2017
COST: Non-OAGC Members $30 OAGC Members $20
Indicates required field
Name/s of people attending. Name of School/Organisation
Please enter names of each person attending, and the name of your school/organisation.
Contact phone number and email address(es)
Please enter contact phone number and email address.
Teachers/Professionals Workshop Registration
OAGC Membership (optional) $25 per school/organisation.
Forum attendance non-OAGC members $30 per adult
Forum attendance OAGC members $20 per adult
Total number of Attendees, and total payment amount
Please enter the total number of people being attending, and the total amount being paid.
Payment Method - please choose one. (Receipts will be issued if required)
Internet Banking (Bank Account # 03 1726 0020224 00). Please put your school/organisation name for a reference
Cheque payable to "Otago Association for Gifted Children". Please post to: The Treasurer, Otago Association for Gifted Children, 10 Hector Street, Bradford, DUNEDIN 9011
Please send an invoice
Submit Registration
If you have any questions, please email