Susan Sharpf - Gifted 101: Key Concepts in Understanding “Gifted” and AGM
When: Tuesday 30 May 2017, 7.30pm
Where: Kavanagh College Staff Room. Rattray St, Dunedin
Cost: Free for OAGC members, gold coin donation for non-members
Speaker: Susan Sharpf
Understanding and supporting gifted children is complicated. Generic child development guides rarely cover issues faced in raising gifted children and specialised resources can be hard to find and then are filled with confusing terms like “overexcitabilities”. Susan will introduce and demystify several key concepts related to giftedness, including intensities and asynchronous development. She will also recommend top resources for learning more about gifted children and their development. This talk will be useful for parents, teachers and other professionals who work with gifted children and want to know more about how to support them effectively.
(Susan Scharpf has worked with a wide range of gifted families throughout Dunedin over many years. She is a former member of the OAGC Committee and helped to found the local Pākiki Kids programme for gifted children.) Click here to download the flyer.
Following Susan’s presentation there will be supper and time for people to chat and ask Susan any additional questions they may have.
Please Note: The AGM will be very short and informal and attending it does not mean that you will be put under any pressure to volunteer for a role or to come onto the Committee, so please don’t let this put you off coming to this very interesting and informative presentation!
However, if there’s anyone who may be interested in joining the OAGC Committee, we’d love to have you come on board or even just indicate your interest and come along to a future meeting to see what it’s all about. We’re a small, friendly and informal Committee and would love to have some new members get involved.