Amadeo Enriquez-Ballestero talking about Matariki, followed by quick AGM, then supper
Date: Thursday 18 June 2015
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Alexander McMillan Room, Dunedin Community House, Lower Moray Place (near Countdown).
Entry Fee: OAGC Members: FREE
Non-Members: Gold coin
The quick presentation by Amadeo Enriquez-Ballestero about Matiriki, wiil be followed by a quick AGM (approx 20 mins), then supper. Children are welcome to attend if they would like to learn more about the constellation making up Matariki.
During supper there will be the opportunity for people to let the committee know what they would like to see happening in the gifted community over the next year. There will be no expectation that people who attend this evening join the committee.
Date: Thursday 18 June 2015
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Alexander McMillan Room, Dunedin Community House, Lower Moray Place (near Countdown).
Entry Fee: OAGC Members: FREE
Non-Members: Gold coin
The quick presentation by Amadeo Enriquez-Ballestero about Matiriki, wiil be followed by a quick AGM (approx 20 mins), then supper. Children are welcome to attend if they would like to learn more about the constellation making up Matariki.
During supper there will be the opportunity for people to let the committee know what they would like to see happening in the gifted community over the next year. There will be no expectation that people who attend this evening join the committee.